The opening reception of my show at Gallery 202 was a few weeks ago. It was a great night - I got to see some old friends and made some new ones and we all had an opportunity to enjoy the arts.
I also had a chance to meet and talk to some of the collectors that have purchased my work. I feel so humbled and honored for all the people that that have made my paintings a part of their life. Thank You.
September is here and it's very exciting. The last few months I have been busy getting ready for my show as "Artist of the Month" at Gallery 202, in Franklin, TN. I will be there this Friday during the opening night at 6PM. Friday will also be the third anniversary of "Franklin Art Crawl". It should be a very fun night! These are some of the new paintings that I will be showing there: Please come by and say hello if you are around.
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October 2023